Monday, June 15, 2009

we'll never let you go

we'll never let you go, originally uploaded by crazyfish_666.

saturday was our 6 year anniversary, (been together 10 this year) and i finally got to relax alittle and paint something for myself!! i couldn't sleep and felt like crap...i'd had a horrible toothache and couldn't sleep...i'd had this idea for a painting, but had commissions and have been to busy with river to paint much. so i painted while she slept...we grilled some awesome steaks (that i still enjoyed, even with the tooth) that night and just took it easy, so it was a good day. i toughed out the toothache till monday when the dentist was open, and got in today....had a HUGE cavity.... :( i haven't been to the dentist in at least 7-8 years....) but he drilled it and put in a medicated filling temporarily and i go back in a few months to get the permanent one...hopefully it will work out and not have to be root canalled or pulled....i'm just glad it feels's been killing me for a few weeks and has been bothering me for over a year.

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