hubby's new's gorgeous!! yay!! we can all ride in it now together!!! i do miss the old truck, but this is a sweet upgrade. i'm so happy for him!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
where's the time gone!!??
wow! river is going to be 6 months old on the 19th! i can't believe it!! she's slept in her crib all by herself for the past 4 nights, and last night she slept from 8:30pm to 6:00am!! this is the longest she's ever slept without waking up!!! she's got her two bottom teeth coming it, she's almost sitting up by herself, and she's saying mama...though i know she doesn't know what she's saying just yet. who said she could grow up so fast!!!???
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
estate sale goodies
a few roads down from me there was an estate sale going on...luckily for me i got there 30 mins after opening on the first day...i got a great deal!! all these handmade doilies, vintage laces and other trims, frame, keys, rhinestone buttons and handmade ceramic pendants for 11.00!!! i'll probably dye the laces for dolls, i went back for more keys (they were only 1.OO!!!) but some guy bought all the rest of them...oh well. i never find good deals like this!! i was happy!! :)
be beautiful you
i've had this idea for this girl for a while...i love the colors, so different for me..and the words. so true!! :)
i started this painting a week or two before i had river...only got the drawing, outline and skin coloring done...finally got to finish it a few days ago. this was somewhat of a challenge for me, as i love outlining and and hard edges to my art...i have a hard time with the main focus of the painting not being in the foreground...this is from suzi blu's les petit dolls class, i love her techniques and it was fun to try to get outside my comfort zone alittle. i did several others that you can check out on flickr.
Monday, August 3, 2009
tyvek beads
i was playing around with some tyvek today while the punkin was sleeping...i love the way they turned out!!! i'm definately going to be making more!! i'm loving these colors right now!!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
me & tha munchkin
she's getting soooo big!! my little sweetie pie!! her drool is so cute! we caught her laughing on video yesterday...sooooooo cute!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
gypsy of the sea
well, i finally got my doll finished!! i'm really happy with how she turned out!! her outfit is hand dyed cheesecloth, and i painted her tail with some lumiere paints to give it some sparkle and tone down some of the green. i did some beading on the outfit and tail...and she has a hand drawn and colored face done in prismacolors. you can check out my flickr page for more pics and closeup shots.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
erins bellycast logan
here's erin's bellycast from her son, and first pregnancy, logan. she had no preferance for anything on this one, so the idea was up to me....i'm pretty sure she's got a turtle tattoo and i wanted to stick with the ocean theme for both of them. i think the turtles came out cute, i love the baby ones!! this is the one that needed lots of tlc!! i had to totally reinforce it and shape it was super flimsy, but now it's rigid and perfect like it should be! i had so much fun painting these, i can't wait to do mine!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
erin's bellycast
this ismy friend erin's, who was our bradley method teacher and doula, bellycast from her second pregnancy, her daughter. i'm working on her first one needed some serious tlc....some patching and reinforcing of the rigidwrap. not sure what i'm going to paint on it just yet though.
Monday, July 13, 2009
ahhhhh, life is good.
Friday, July 10, 2009
new doll in progress

Monday, June 15, 2009
we'll never let you go
saturday was our 6 year anniversary, (been together 10 this year) and i finally got to relax alittle and paint something for myself!! i couldn't sleep and felt like crap...i'd had a horrible toothache and couldn't sleep...i'd had this idea for a painting, but had commissions and have been to busy with river to paint much. so i painted while she slept...we grilled some awesome steaks (that i still enjoyed, even with the tooth) that night and just took it easy, so it was a good day. i toughed out the toothache till monday when the dentist was open, and got in today....had a HUGE cavity.... :( i haven't been to the dentist in at least 7-8 years....) but he drilled it and put in a medicated filling temporarily and i go back in a few months to get the permanent one...hopefully it will work out and not have to be root canalled or pulled....i'm just glad it feels's been killing me for a few weeks and has been bothering me for over a year.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009